Wednesday 1 July 2015

#7 Computers can help us with publishing professional presentations

Computers can help us create beautiful and professional presentations. Within a program called Microsoft PowerPoint that can be downloaded on a computer, we can have the advantage of making a presentation come alive. Within this program, we can add many effects, images and videos that will make our presentations more appealing and more interesting. Adding effects and designs to our presentations will capture the audience’s attention and get them more involved in what we are trying to state or promote. Some tips within using PowerPoint include making your presentation appealing to your audience with visuals and colourful slides. Do not put too much information on your slides or you may run the risk of your audience getting bored and them not paying any attention to your presentation. Use point form notes and pictures or videos to make your presentation more appealing to your audience.



Picture: Courseimage (04/12/2015) Retrieved from:
Throughout the program called PowerPoint, you can set up your presentation into well-put-together slides and insert pictures and videos. Within inserting pictures and videos, we can add many effects to enhance the way they look in the presentation and make them look more creative. The more depth that your presentation has, the more your audience will enjoy your presentation. Be creative and get your audience involved. I can provide some useful tips, if you would like, on how to make your presentation more appealing to your audience.

The following link is a video that can give you some tips on how you can use PowerPoint presentations:

Starting a Business Online (2012, April 17). 11 benefits of using PowerPoint presentations for business [video file]. Retrieved from
You can use this link below to find out more info about how to make a professional slide show presentation using Microsoft PowerPoint:

Microsoft Office (2015). Creating accessible PowerPoint presentations. Retrieved from


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