Wednesday 24 June 2015

#6 Computers can help you search the internet

Computers can assist you with a very important tool that everyone in the world uses throughout their everyday life. With access to the Internet on the computer, you can access many different web sites, databases, get answers to unanswered questions, and search many different topics. With access to the Internet, you are provided with a search engine that can further advance your knowledge on a general topic. This useful tool helps many businesses, corporations, schools, and society everyday further themselves to succeeding in task that requires a computer's assistance.
Picture: Clipartpanda (2014) Retrieved from:
Within access to the Internet on a computer, it can help us with work and school. This tool is very useful and without it, we would not have the advanced knowledge that we have today. The Internet is always updating itself and whatever you search is bound to be answered. Without the Internet in our lives we would not be capable of using the main resources in our lives.

Picture: Picgifs. (2015) Retrieved from:  

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