Tuesday 16 June 2015

#4 Computers can help you with organizing files and data

Computers can help you organize your files and data into well-organized file folders. Within your computer's file folders you have the ability to create and set up folders to store info and documents. This can be very useful in offices when you are placing many documents into one file source. You can save files to your documents folder or your desktop. Creating folders is very simple and is an easy way to collect all your data on one topic into one folder where it can be easy to access at any time that you may need it.
Picture: pixshark, (2015) Retrieved from: http://pixshark.com/computer-files.htm

On my computer, I have all my documents organized by my subjects, term and year. This tool helps me navigate through all my documents, and organize my documents where I can have easy access to them at any time.  You can also create folders within folders to organize the info that you have in one, into many different sections so it will be easier to sort through when you are looking for a specific document. If you have any questions, I can provide many tips on how to organize your files efficiently on your computer. Start organizing your computer's files to stay maintained throughout your business days.

The following checklist will help you file your documents:

·         What subject will the file be filed under?

·         How will you sort your documents?

·         What kind of filing method will you use?


Many businesses can use this ability to maintain their documents in a safe place where they can save them to retrieve them or to make any necessary changes. Organizing your documents into file folders is a good resource when your computer is holding a lot of information and your documents need to be accessed without searching for them. This resource gives you the capability to create folders and file documents into the folders where they are more organized and easier to find when they are needed.

The following video provides a great tip for when you are organizing your folders and prioritizing them:

Reference: Song, M. (2012, January 30). Organize your files, folders, Email and documents [Video file], Retrieved from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZDU0-p1cILU 

The following link will explain further about organizing files in your computer:

If you have any questions on how computers can help you organize your files and data feel free to ask, I can provide many helpful tips!

Reference: Microsoft Office (2015). Arrange, sort, or group your files. Retrieved form http://windows.microsoft.com/en-ca/windows7/arrange-sort-or-group-your-files

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