Thursday 11 June 2015

#2 Computers can help you to keep connected with Co-workers, Friends and Family through E-mail.

In today’s telecommuting world with use of a computer, we can keep in touch with family, friends, and co-workers through a useful source, which is e-mail. E-mail is a service that is provided online which you can use for a tool of communication to either keep in touch with others or send documents and important updates to companies or schools. E-mail is very useful and can provide many ways of keeping connected with others. E-mails provide many different functions such as:

1.      Calendar (to schedule appointments and important daily  tasks)

2.      Storing multiple contacts

3.      Reminders

4.      Sending emails/replying to emails

5.      Adding attachments to email messages such as a document or pictures

6.      Creating notes

7.      Printing messages, setting a contact list

 Picture: (2015).Clipart [Photo]. Retrieved from:

There are many ways that e-mail can improve your life and make your everyday tasks easier. I use e-mail every day to keep in touch with family members and friends. I also use e-mail for homework and an organizer to sort my tasks in a calendar. Having a calendar within your e-mail can be very useful because your e-mail contacts can see what days you are available to take part in certain activities throughout the day.


Picture: animations.fg-a (2015).


Some e-mail servers that you can use would be, Microsoft Outlook, Google mail (G-mail), Yahoo mail, and msn. E-mail is a common service that will keep you organized, on task, aware, and in the loop of what is going on when you are not available. E-mail is a very good source for keeping your life organized and keeping you up-to-date with the latest news and info that might be happening in your everyday life.

You can watch this training video below on how to set up an Outlook email account:

Warrington, R.(2014, October 7). Outlook 2014- How to create a new email account [Video file]. Retrieved from




The following are links of how you can use e-mail in your everyday life:




If you have any questions on how computers can keep you connected through e-mail, feel free to ask! 


Microsoft Office (2015). Outlook 2013 training courses, videos and tutorials. Retrieved from

Yahoo! (2015).Yahoo Mail Videos. Retrieved From

Gmail Help (2015). Get started with Gmail. Retrieved from



1 comment:

  1. I have learned a lot of new things after reading your blog. Your tips are very useful for everyday life. I have even set up a Skype account. In one of your posts you mention Power Point, I really like that program. I use it for work, school, and even at home. I made a Power Point for one of my friend's wedding. She loved it so much. When she was having a birthday party for her mom, she asked me to make another one. I look forward to reading more of your posts, they are very informative.
