Wednesday 24 June 2015

#5 Computers can keep us in touch with people in other countries through video chat

Computers can provide us with the ability to talk to others who are not in the same range of location. These video chat services can be used for conference calls within a business, and communicating with friends and family in another country. Some services that connect you to video chatting would be Skype, FaceTime, and Google +. These services are very technologically advanced and are a good use of communication. Within access to these services, we can have a conversation with someone who might be in another country or region. Many businesses use this method every day to stay in contact with co-workers and management.

Picture: ClipArtBest(2015)Retrieved From:


These servers on the computer can help us have conversations with others who cannot be met face-to-face. This ability is used all around the world. It is most commonly used by companies and businesses when there is a conference call taking place and everyone cannot make the meeting because they might be in a different location and cannot meet up with everyone involved. This ability is very useful and can connect us with anyone around the world. I can provide some tips on how video conferencing can assist you in your life. This is a very useful method of communication that is used by many people to connect with and stay in contact with each other.

The following video can teach you how to set up a Skype account:

Reference: Jouili, I. (2014, January 1). How to make a Skype account Isha Jouili [Video file]. Retrieved from

The following links can provide some more detail on how to use video chat:

Skype (2015) Getting started with Skype for Android phones. Retrieved from

Apple (2015) Use FaceTime with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Retrieved from






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