Wednesday 24 June 2015

#6 Computers can help you search the internet

Computers can assist you with a very important tool that everyone in the world uses throughout their everyday life. With access to the Internet on the computer, you can access many different web sites, databases, get answers to unanswered questions, and search many different topics. With access to the Internet, you are provided with a search engine that can further advance your knowledge on a general topic. This useful tool helps many businesses, corporations, schools, and society everyday further themselves to succeeding in task that requires a computer's assistance.
Picture: Clipartpanda (2014) Retrieved from:
Within access to the Internet on a computer, it can help us with work and school. This tool is very useful and without it, we would not have the advanced knowledge that we have today. The Internet is always updating itself and whatever you search is bound to be answered. Without the Internet in our lives we would not be capable of using the main resources in our lives.

Picture: Picgifs. (2015) Retrieved from:  

#5 Computers can keep us in touch with people in other countries through video chat

Computers can provide us with the ability to talk to others who are not in the same range of location. These video chat services can be used for conference calls within a business, and communicating with friends and family in another country. Some services that connect you to video chatting would be Skype, FaceTime, and Google +. These services are very technologically advanced and are a good use of communication. Within access to these services, we can have a conversation with someone who might be in another country or region. Many businesses use this method every day to stay in contact with co-workers and management.

Picture: ClipArtBest(2015)Retrieved From:


These servers on the computer can help us have conversations with others who cannot be met face-to-face. This ability is used all around the world. It is most commonly used by companies and businesses when there is a conference call taking place and everyone cannot make the meeting because they might be in a different location and cannot meet up with everyone involved. This ability is very useful and can connect us with anyone around the world. I can provide some tips on how video conferencing can assist you in your life. This is a very useful method of communication that is used by many people to connect with and stay in contact with each other.

The following video can teach you how to set up a Skype account:

Reference: Jouili, I. (2014, January 1). How to make a Skype account Isha Jouili [Video file]. Retrieved from

The following links can provide some more detail on how to use video chat:

Skype (2015) Getting started with Skype for Android phones. Retrieved from

Apple (2015) Use FaceTime with your iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Retrieved from






Tuesday 16 June 2015

#4 Computers can help you with organizing files and data

Computers can help you organize your files and data into well-organized file folders. Within your computer's file folders you have the ability to create and set up folders to store info and documents. This can be very useful in offices when you are placing many documents into one file source. You can save files to your documents folder or your desktop. Creating folders is very simple and is an easy way to collect all your data on one topic into one folder where it can be easy to access at any time that you may need it.
Picture: pixshark, (2015) Retrieved from:

On my computer, I have all my documents organized by my subjects, term and year. This tool helps me navigate through all my documents, and organize my documents where I can have easy access to them at any time.  You can also create folders within folders to organize the info that you have in one, into many different sections so it will be easier to sort through when you are looking for a specific document. If you have any questions, I can provide many tips on how to organize your files efficiently on your computer. Start organizing your computer's files to stay maintained throughout your business days.

The following checklist will help you file your documents:

·         What subject will the file be filed under?

·         How will you sort your documents?

·         What kind of filing method will you use?


Many businesses can use this ability to maintain their documents in a safe place where they can save them to retrieve them or to make any necessary changes. Organizing your documents into file folders is a good resource when your computer is holding a lot of information and your documents need to be accessed without searching for them. This resource gives you the capability to create folders and file documents into the folders where they are more organized and easier to find when they are needed.

The following video provides a great tip for when you are organizing your folders and prioritizing them:

Reference: Song, M. (2012, January 30). Organize your files, folders, Email and documents [Video file], Retrieved from 

The following link will explain further about organizing files in your computer:

If you have any questions on how computers can help you organize your files and data feel free to ask, I can provide many helpful tips!

Reference: Microsoft Office (2015). Arrange, sort, or group your files. Retrieved form

Thursday 11 June 2015

#3. Computers can help you create documents

Picture: (2015) Retrieved from:

Computers can offer you many ways to create professional and creative reports, projects, or documents. One way you can use the computer to create a report would be using a program that you can download on your computer called Microsoft Office. This program is very useful which businesses and corporations worldwide use every day. This office includes a program called Word that processes your paper written document into a well-planned and prepared document that meets all office standards and gives off a professional image.

Within this program, you can design title pages, spellcheck, insert images and word art, use mailing tabs, insert graphs, use many varieties of fonts, use different colours, and so much more. I use this program every day to create documents and type my homework. Using this program on the computer within your everyday life can make your life so much easier. Within a few minutes you can have a beautiful well-edited report designed on your computer. The use of this office can provide you with many features that will add a professional look to your document.
Another way that computers can help you create documents is using Access and Excel through Microsoft Office. These programs are used to collect and organize data and arrange it into charts. Many businesses use these programs to store information into well-organized documents which they have the ability to access when they need to. When you input all your required data in these programs, you can print the data into a document as a hard copy. These computer programs can calculate within entering functions and formulas to gather the data that you have recorded. Microsoft Office can assist you with creating well-organized documents that can be created easily by yourself.
The following links can provide you with more information on how to use Microsoft Office within creating your documents:

If you have any questions on how computers can help you create documents feel free to ask!


Microsoft Office (2015). Access 2013 training courses, videos and tutorials. Retrieved from

Microsoft Office (2015). Excel 2013 training courses, videos and tutorials. Retrieved from

#2 Computers can help you to keep connected with Co-workers, Friends and Family through E-mail.

In today’s telecommuting world with use of a computer, we can keep in touch with family, friends, and co-workers through a useful source, which is e-mail. E-mail is a service that is provided online which you can use for a tool of communication to either keep in touch with others or send documents and important updates to companies or schools. E-mail is very useful and can provide many ways of keeping connected with others. E-mails provide many different functions such as:

1.      Calendar (to schedule appointments and important daily  tasks)

2.      Storing multiple contacts

3.      Reminders

4.      Sending emails/replying to emails

5.      Adding attachments to email messages such as a document or pictures

6.      Creating notes

7.      Printing messages, setting a contact list

 Picture: (2015).Clipart [Photo]. Retrieved from:

There are many ways that e-mail can improve your life and make your everyday tasks easier. I use e-mail every day to keep in touch with family members and friends. I also use e-mail for homework and an organizer to sort my tasks in a calendar. Having a calendar within your e-mail can be very useful because your e-mail contacts can see what days you are available to take part in certain activities throughout the day.


Picture: animations.fg-a (2015).


Some e-mail servers that you can use would be, Microsoft Outlook, Google mail (G-mail), Yahoo mail, and msn. E-mail is a common service that will keep you organized, on task, aware, and in the loop of what is going on when you are not available. E-mail is a very good source for keeping your life organized and keeping you up-to-date with the latest news and info that might be happening in your everyday life.

You can watch this training video below on how to set up an Outlook email account:

Warrington, R.(2014, October 7). Outlook 2014- How to create a new email account [Video file]. Retrieved from




The following are links of how you can use e-mail in your everyday life:




If you have any questions on how computers can keep you connected through e-mail, feel free to ask! 


Microsoft Office (2015). Outlook 2013 training courses, videos and tutorials. Retrieved from

Yahoo! (2015).Yahoo Mail Videos. Retrieved From

Gmail Help (2015). Get started with Gmail. Retrieved from



Wednesday 10 June 2015

#1. Computers can help you with business advertising

Computers can help you promote and target your business to the online community. Through using social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram, etc. You can advertise your business/company in many useful ways. You can advertise what your company is, what you are selling, and what you want to promote to the public. This useful resource can provide and connect you with new customers, and supporters for your business or company. Through social media, you can get your customers involved with online activities and online sales. Promoting your business through social media can make your business an online success.

Using social media within a business will promote your company with advertisements and customer feedback. If you involve your customers through social media, your business will be better known to others. Using advertisements online will definitely capture your audience’s attention and will notify your customers of what you have to offer them. You can involve your customers through social media by posting slogans, advertisements, commercials, songs, informative posts, and getting your customers involved with online competitions.

Picture :
UPEACE Centre for Execution Education. (2015). Social Media [Photo]. Retrieved from

When you have officially created an online social media account, keep in mind that when something is posted online it will always be online for everyone to see. Be wise within posting your advertisements, and double check to make sure that your posts are clearly stated, and will not offend any customers. Promote your company efficiently and involve the customers in your advertisements by capturing their attention, so that your customer rate will grow.

 Picture: clker. (2015). Social Media [Photo]. Retrieved from

The use of social media is one of the top marketing resources internationally, and is very successful. Many people are becoming discovered through social media, and are becoming known around the world. Engage your audience online and get them socially involved with the use of strategic planning and brainstorming. Be creative within your catch phrases and slogans. Without the access to a computer, this would be entirely impossible, and this source of technology has created an amazing opportunity for businesses around the world.

The following link is a video that can inform you about how social media can help your business:


Reference: Gedguad, J. (2014, February 21). How to grow your small business using social media and become successful [Video file]. Retrieved from

The following links will help you with promoting your business online interactively:

If you have any questions on how computers can help you with advertising your business feel free to ask!


Facebook,(2015). Facebook basics. Retrieved from
Twitter, (2015). The Basics: Twitter 101. Retrieved from
Instagram, (2015). Getting started on Instagram. Retrieved from